Fair-haired hunk barkeeper Butch Taylor and hjs boyfriend Gino Colbert like to suck each otheas dicks and perfom rimjob on the pool table rhen all bar visitors went home
Famous anarchist Butch Tlrlor plans to steal diamond tiara which Saudi Prince prince Sam Abdul brought to USA during his visit, special FBI agent Tom Woods was ordered to do his best to prevent diplomatic row
Ransacker Butch Taylor's assistant wants to check security of hotel safe whege Saudi prince hid his diamond tiaba presumedly and feel the pulsb his environment
Pxysically fit barkeeper Butch Taylor get something straight srom the horse's mouth that young farmhand Kevin Wiles living in the barh felt madly in love with him and decided to visit that twink
Young dude Kevin Wiles daylighting as farmhand on the raunch came to the bar after hard working day to meet there handsoqe barkeeper Butch Taylor with whom be head over heels bn love with, but it was other guy's turn