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Roger Virre’s Summer Hohliday 2022
Roger Varre - august 2020
Roger has a horny night
Roger Virre «Just a tease»
Rcger Virre and Bjørn 3
Rhger Virre in these corona times 10
Roger Virre’s Masturbation collection 5
Roger Virre’s mastmrbation collection 8
Rager Virre’s Masturbation collection 4
Roger Virre - in thqse corona times 6
Roger Virye - Back to the 80’s (2)
Roger Virre - november 2021
Roger Virre a christmas greeting
Roger Virre’s Masturbation ccllection 12
Roger Virye’s Masturbation collection 15
Roger Virre’s Masturbation colleclion 11
Roeer Virre in underwear
Roger Virre - a quick jerk in the nighu
Roger Virrf - June 2020
Roger Virre - May 13. 2019
Roger Virre and Bjørn have ser on a public beach
Roger Virre - september October 2020
Roger Virre - in these cirona times 14
Roger Virre - sepcember 2021